Friday, July 20, 2012

NOKIA 5130c-2 Failed to Start [Solved by Repair Software]

Asalamualikum WR WB
An easy step to get your NOKIA 5130c-2 RM-495 comeback into normal phone.

1. Open your UFSx Tornado with Original HWK
2. Tab BB5, fill all firmware needed e.g: MCU, PPM, and CNT
3. Connect phone to UFS, do CHECK the connection. If says all ok go to next step
4. Click on VERIFY to gathering information about your phone trouble really  is
5. Carefully watch the EVENTS/RESULTS
6. Now disconnect your phone from UFS Tornado, Close DCTx BB5 and re-open this program
7. Tab BB5, choose RM-495 on PRODUCTS.
8. Fill in blank field of CNT with the latest version of RM-495 firmware [only this you need to fill]
9. Click WRITE FLASH [i always do flashing on MANUAL way]
10. Do the last action by click on UI SETTINGS

Disconnected your phone now then try to turn it on, watch what will happens to your phone with his new CNT files has been written to the flash memory already. FINISH
Great job guys now your phone has just comeback to normaly as it use to be.
Thank you for joining to and hapefully useful for ya.

wasalamualaikum wr wb
Arek NGAJUM IsoIso Ae [The Fully Fuckin' Headache Lion]

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